
Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The island of Sphacteria just a few km from Pylos played a big role in the Peloponnesian War, see here. Spartan troops got trapped on it and were blockaded by the Athenian ships. They circled the island hoping to starve them out. The spartans ended up suing for an end to the war which Athens refused. The spartans on the island ended up surrendering (something they'd NEVER done before).

At the closest point to the island, I decide to walk/swim to it rather than hire a boat. A much more satisfying way to get there! Here's me on the island barefoot. If you look close you can see goats to my right.

During the war slaves were bribed with promises of freedom if they could smuggle food onto the island by swimming. not many survived the water and the Athenians!

We also visited "Nestor's Cave" on the mainland via some very beautiful scenery. That's the Ionian sea behind me where it meets the Mediterranian.

Here's a view from the cave